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Backworth Park Primary School



Maths at Backworth Park Primary School

The aim at Backworth Park Primary School is to ensure children reach their full potential, leave the school with a love for number and are confident and competent with key mathematical skills, problem solving strategies and reasoning skills. Our ambition is to stimulate the curiosity of students by setting increasingly complex problems, helping them to become efficient problem solvers who work systematically and logically. We aim for all our children to be proficient users of mathematical language, which will support them in their mathematical reasoning in different contexts.

Backworth Park’s aims:

• All pupils develop a thorough knowledge and understanding of numbers and the number system in line with National Curriculum recommendations.

• There is clear progression and continuity appropriate to individual needs.

• To promote confidence and competence in all forms of calculation.

• To develop logical thinking and reasoning skills through questioning and an investigative approach.

• To develop the ability to solve problems through decision making and reasoning in a range of contexts.

• To understand the importance of mathematical skills in everyday life.

• To promote enjoyment and enthusiasm for learning through practical activities, exploration, and discussion.

• To encourage pupils to take responsibility for their own learning.

• To promote a positive attitude towards maths and an awareness of the relevance of maths in the real world.

• An appreciation of the creative aspects of maths.

Our aims will be met by providing pupils with a wide range of rich learning opportunities which include incorporating concrete apparatus where appropriate. Lessons will be well structured and appropriately adapted to meet the needs of all individual pupils.


At Backworth Park Primary School, the National Curriculum should be fully implemented across school with each child receiving a daily mathematics lesson. Although the structure of the lessons may vary, they should be planned to include opportunities for children to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, through varied and frequent practice, the reinforcement of key skills and the opportunity by all to use their problem solving and reasoning skills. Lessons should provide the opportunity for each child to be challenged. To aid with this, we use the Big Maths CLIC framework approach to teaching fundamental number and calculation skills when suitable. Every day, each class has a CLIC session, which comprises between three and four parts: Counting Learn Its which focusses on learning key number facts; It’s Nothing New which focusses on applying known facts to new situations; and Calculation. A CLIC session usually takes around 20 minutes, with around 5 minutes being spent on each part. In addition to the CLIC sessions, daily hourly maths lessons are used to either provide greater focus on place value and calculation approaches or to focus on the wider aims of the Maths curriculum. Daily times tables sessions of between 5 to 10 minutes, allow for children to practice their recall of known facts and provide opportunity to learn new facts in a clear, structured approach. At Backworth Park Primary School, we develop children’s mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding through careful planning and preparation, ensuring that throughout the school:

• Children are given opportunities for practical activities, role play and mathematical games.

• We develop children’s mental and oral strategies with an emphasis on speed recall of number bonds and multiplication tables.

• We develop mathematical vocabulary.

• We encourage problem solving.

• We facilitate individual, group and whole class discussions and activities.

• We provide open and closed tasks.

• We encourage a range of methods of calculating e.g. mental, pencil and paper and using a calculator.

• We understand Mathematics through a process of enquiry and experiment.

• We regularly use ICT games to reinforce, develop and enthuse learning.


Staff refer to the school Calculation Policy in order to secure progression throughout school.
