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Backworth Park Primary School



Curriculum Aims at Backworth Park Primary School


At Backworth Park Primary School, we offer a broad and balanced curriculum. Teaching and learning ensures that children make rapid progress in all subject areas, gaining a solid understanding and application of all National Curriculum objectives. 


Our curriculum is ambitious, providing the knowledge and cultural capital that learners need to succeed in life. It is taught with consistency, with individual subject leaders having a clear overview and aim, which is moderated regularly. Learners develop detailed knowledge and skills across the curriculum, and, as a result, achieve well. 


Our curriculum is knowledge-led; it focuses on the development of pupils' long-term memory for fluency, which in turn, develops pupils' application of skills as pupils expand their substantive and disciplinary knowledge.   


We aim to address a poverty of vocabulary and to instil a deep and curious understanding of language, through which children not only gain the ability to better understand the breadth of topics we teach them, but also the skills to read widely, make links between areas of learning, develop their own knowledge-bases and worldviews, and express their ideas clearly.


We believe that high-quality texts open the door to new worlds and ideas for children and we use these throughout the curriculum.


Our curriculum aims to inspire a lifelong love of learning through engaging themes and topics which stimulate and challenge children. We aim to encourage pupils to build links between their learning, their individual interests and talents and their aspirations for future careers.


Curriculum leaders are clear on the ‘invaluable knowledge’ that they want their pupils to know: these form the basis of long-term planning for progression and include the ‘big ideas’ in subjects.


Our core personal development values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience aim to develop pupils’ character to engage fully in their learning. 


Should you wish discuss any elements of our curriculum further, please speak to a member of staff.


We ensure curriculum accessibility for equality for all of our pupils, including those with SEND. Additional information on this can be found by following these links: SEND - Backworth Park Primary School ( and Public Sector Equality Duty - Backworth Park Primary School (
