Curriculum Aims at Backworth Park Primary School
At Backworth Park Primary School, we offer a broad and balanced curriculum. Teaching and learning ensures that children make progress in all subject areas, covering all National Curriculum objectives.
Our curriculum is ambitious, providing the knowledge and skills that learners need to succeed in their learning and beyond. It is taught with consistency, with individual subject leaders having a clear overview of intent and implementation, which is regularly monitored. Learners develop detailed knowledge and skills across the curriculum, and, as a result, achieve well.
Our curriculum is designed to support the development of pupils' long-term memory and retention of knowledge and skills, to enable them in their life, both in education and the world of work.
We aim to widen and extend our children's vocabulary and to instil a deep and curious understanding of language, enabling them to deepen their understanding of the subjects and areas of learning, as well as develop skills to research further and access any related knowledge and understanding.
We believe that high-quality texts open the door to new worlds and ideas for children and we use these throughout the curriculum. We are determined to embed a love of reading and a passion for books in the children, regularly revising books of study to include new and contemporary literature, which is always becoming available.
Our curriculum aims to inspire a lifelong love of learning through engaging themes and topics which stimulate and challenge children. We aim to encourage pupils to build links between their learning, their individual interests and talents and their aspirations for future careers. We plan and sequence curriculum content with future learning in mind so that our children can access secondary, post-16 education and the world of work armed with the knowledge and skills they will need at each stage of their education.
Curriculum leaders are clear on the ‘sticky learning’ that they want their pupils to know: these form the basis of long-term planning for progression, sequencing and assessment in each subject area.
Our core personal development values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience aim to develop pupils’ character to engage fully in their learning, personal development and academic achievement.
Should you wish discuss any elements of our curriculum further, please speak to a member of staff.
We ensure curriculum accessibility for equality for all of our pupils, including those with SEND. Additional information on this can be found by following these links:
SEND - Backworth Park Primary School (
Public Sector Equality Duty - Backworth Park Primary School (