PE & Sports Premium Funding
PE & Sports Premium Funding
At Backworth Park Primary, we provide a Physical Education programme covering Games, Gymnastics, Swimming, Dance and Athletics in line with the National Curriculum requirements, which enables our children to develop their movement, skills, balance and co-ordination, as well as their self-confidence and resilience to improve.
Through cross-curricular links, we also seek to develop our children's awareness of health-related issues such as the need for exercise, health living and eating, emotional well-being and tackling obesity.
Sports Premium:
Since 2013/14, like all Primary schools, Backworth Park has received ring-fenced funding to spend on making additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of sport and PE provision in school.
The aims of the funding are to ensure all children have opportunities to:
- Lead healthy lifestyles
- Enjoy Physical Education and Sport in schools
- Experience high quality Physical Education and Sport
- Compete against their peers
- Achieve Sporting Excellence
Schools choose how to spend the Sports Premium Funding to achieve these aims. These are some of the ways that this funding supports us in moving forward:
- Buying into a North Tyneside PE and Sport Service Level Agreement (SLA): This provided access to professional development opportunities for staff and to organised borough-wide competitive events for pupils.
- Engaging in opportunities for pupils to access competition, including use of funding for hire of transport to/from organised events: During their time at BPPS, all children have the opportunity to develop their competitive skills by engaging in both inter and intra school Competitions and Festivals. Transport costs have been covered for our children to enjoy competing with other local schools across North Tyneside, in events such as the Skipping and Dance Festivals, as well as Multi-Skills, Cricket, Athletics and Badminton Tournaments. School participates with other local schools in the Shiremoor Treat Sports Events. Funding has also subsidised swimming transport costs.
- Engagement of external coaching services both within/after school time: Although all teaching staff offer clubs, we do occasionally also invite sports coaches to deliver additional opportunities that would not be possible otherwise,
- Maintenance/ replacement of PE equipment as required: In consultation with pupils and staff, additional resources were obtained for use within PE lessons , as well as for some playground equipment.
- Outdoor learning opportunities: Development of methods to improve physical fitness in the school grounds.
- Staff continuous professional development opportunities: This equips staff with the skill sets they need to move learning forward.
All schools must provide swimming instruction either in Key Stage 1 or 2.
In particular, pupils should be taught to:
- swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]
- perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations
Backworth Park Primary School currently offer swimming lessons for all children in Year 5. Children are taught by qualified swimming instructors who follow guidelines set out by the Local Authority. As most of our children do not have access to swimming lessons in addition to those provided by the school, the Senior Leadership Team have worked with the Local Authority to ensure we have the best programme available to meet the needs of our children. This year, we will have visits from the Water Safety Programme and RNLI to promote water safety and free swim sessions in a bid to inspire more of our children to access swimming facilities outside of school provisions. Currently, swimming lessons happen every Friday morning.
In our Year 6 cohort:
- 75% can swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- 75% can use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]
- 75% can perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations