Mental Health
Mental Health at Backworth Park Primary School
At Backworth Park Primary School, we value our mental health as much as our physical health and are keen to nurture the total wellbeing of our children. An important aspect of this is an awareness and understanding of mental health as well as being open to talking about mental health. Our work in this area will be updated on this section of the website, so please check back often.
Many children go through difficult times - just like adults. At those times, children will need additional pastoral support. This support is delivered through the strong relationships children have with staff, the teaching of healthy relationships and PSHE lessons. In addition, we work closely with parents and carers to support the whole family as well as alongside multi-agencies and other professionals. We are a Thrive school and have a team of staff trained to deliver Mental Health first Aid sessions. We also employ a School Nurse to work with children and their families to support mental health and medical issues.
During the week, we hold thematic assemblies, which often target positive mental health. These include, healthy bodies and minds, engagement in Mental Health Week and positive behaviours, for example handling change, developing resilience or being kind to one another. We carry out ‘Friendship Fridays’ during Mental Health week, carrying out acts of kindness and engaging with new friendships. Our behaviour policy promotes positive behaviour, which teaches children to develop positive character traits and promotes healthy relationships with peers and adults.
The school offers a wide range of rewards, developing a sense of pride and achievement. These include academic awards as well as behaviour and character development awards.
Nurture Club, led by Miss Garbutt, is a lunchtime club, which supports children in their mental health. In the club, the children carry out card and board games and have the chance to interact positively in a smaller group. Certain positive behaviour traits are developed, such as patience, turn taking, listening and talking.
A range of extracurricular opportunities are on offer every Monday evening to help children engage with a keen interest or passion. We deliver PE lessons regularly to stimulate positive mental health as evidence shows there are strong links between mental and physical health.
Backworth Park Primary School adopts a whole-school approach to mental health and wellbeing. It is a school that helps children flourish, learn and succeed by providing opportunities for them, and the adults around them, to develop the strengths and coping skills that underpin resilience.
We are conscious that some families may face challenges with their mental health and may need additional support. We consider this as part of our safeguarding duty. We are here to support any parents or carers, who may need support and help with regard to their own mental health and encourage parents or carers to seek support from school in these circumstances.