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Backworth Park Primary School


Remote Education

Remote Education


In the event of disruption to the usual routine of attending school, we have in place a Remote Education offer, which will enable children to continue to learn progressively at home. Teachers will plan and enable children to access resources, which would support the planned curriculum, that would be in place if the child was attending school as normal.

We have in place a virtual classroom. Teachers will deliver live and pre-recorded videos to children, teaching specific activities. School has in place various technological programmes to support with this and subscription to various online programmes, which children have log ins for. Further, school has subscribed to a range to support and provide access to high quality resources, which can be accessed from home. In addition, we have a whole school Twitter page, which can be used as a communication tool. 

Where children need bespoke teaching and learning, they will be supported by the class teacher as well as the SENDCO, Miss Wood. 

In addition, children will be provided with a physical Remote Education pack, in case of emergency. Further physical resources will be delivered and distributed so that children have continuous access to resources and remote education.

Children are expected to engage fully with remote education and parents or carers are expected to ensure that pupils complete daily work. Work is expected to be returned, whereby teaching staff will check it. Where there are technological issues, teachers will contact parents via telephone to overcome any difficulties and provide support. Please ensure that parents and carers are able to be contacted by telephone. 

Children who are vulnerable, or in great need of accessing technological devices, will be supported by school. We will ensure that devices are provided to families in most need, by working alongside the Local Authority. 

Information for parents and carers

Remote Education Policy
