Online Safety
At Backworth Park Primary School, safeguarding our children is paramount to everything that we do. As part of this,we are always developing ways in which to make sure that all members of the school are taught how to keep themselves safe online. All users of the school’s computing equipment are asked to sign our Acceptable Use Policy upon induction to the school, and each time they log onto the school’s computer network. All of the computers in school are connected to the school’s network. The school uses RM SafetyNet to monitor the use of the school's networked technological devices. The computing subject leader monitors and feedbacks regular incident reports to the Senior Leadership Team and The Governing Body. In line with the school’s Behaviour /Anti Bullying Policy, unacceptable use of the school’s computer systems is reported to the Senior Leadership Team and other agencies involved where deemed necessary, and monitoring information is used to improve our Online Safety Policy. Online safety is taught at the start of every half term using a range of themes in line with the UK Council for Internet Safety's guidance, 'Education for a Connected World'.
The school teaches online safety to all year group half termly and also takes part in all national awareness days and events. In this way, children learn how to stay online-safe and follow the SMART rules. The SMART rules are displayed around the school and in each classroom. There are also regular KS1 and KS2 assemblies on Online Safety, in which children are taught at an age-appropriate level how to stay safe online.
The school recognises the rapidly growing need for online safety training and online safety awareness, and is currently delivering briefing and training opportunities for all staff, parents and governors. For example, sessions led by our Local Authority online safety consultants and trainers and delivery of parent briefing sessions on online safety during STEM week. The link to this briefing session can be found below.
Keeping Children Safe Online