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Backworth Park Primary School



In Backworth Park Primary School we follow the statutory guidance from the National Primary Curriculum for Mathematics. 

Our maths provision aims to create a culture of high achievement in maths which leads to confident children who master the key concepts of fluency of calculation, logical reasoning and problem solving. We use the Big Maths Programme to support learning and track progress.  


Why have we chosen to use Big Maths?


  • Clear progression across year groups

  • Objectives are matched to the National Curriculum 

  • Improve mental maths skills and wider maths skills across school

  • Common vocabulary and methods are taught throughout school

  • Insists on every child learning and making progress

  • Clearly defined end points

Maths Policies


The School has a curriculum policy which sets out how maths is taught and assessed throughout the school.  The whole school also follows a calculation methods policy for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division which sets out the small steps used to teach each skill.  These are available below. 
