Rocksteady in Concert
Rocksteady is an external company, who come to school every Monday. They are a band-based peripatetic music service delivered by professionals. Children are band members with other pupils of a similar age, playing drums, guitar, keyboard or acoustics. They work together learning to play and perform relevant, up-to-date and popular music from rock or pop genres. Because it is so relevant, the programme is inclusive and is accessible to all pupils. It supports wellbeing and contributes to academic progress, especially in the curriculum area of music. This is a paid for service, however, there are bursary, pupil premium and funded options available.
At the end of every term, the bands perform to parents and carers, followed by a performance to the whole school. This is a wonderful experience for all involved and the whole school community feels like they are at a live gig!
For further information on Rocksteady, follow the link below.
In-School Rock & Pop Band Lessons | Rocksteady Music School