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Backworth Park Primary School


Meals and Milk

School Meals

School meals are provided by Mellors Catering Services. Please see the attached documents for information about the service and the menus which will are in place. 


School meals are still free for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 through the Universal Infant Free Meals system or for older pupils entitled to Free School Meals. 

For all other year groups, the price of school meals is currently £2.60 and pupils must have credit on their account in order to be provided with a school meal. Please register to use the online payment system on the School Gateway app. No payments can be made at school. 


Nursery and Reception children - are provided with free milk.  If your child does not want milk, please let the School Office know.


Year 1 to Year 6 children - if your child is entitled to free meals (not Universal Free Meals) then they are also eligible to have free milk.   If your circumstances change and your child is no longer entitled to free milk, then you must inform the school office and then register and pay online using the weblink below:


Key Stage Two children are encouraged to bring fruit or vegetables to school for their break time snack. This can only be fruit or vegetables - other snack items are not permitted. A Fruit Tuck Shop is run by our pupils, providing a range of fruit to purchase at breaktime for Key Stage Two children, at 20p per piece. 



Children should bring a refillable bottle of water to school. Juice or fizzy drinks are not permitted. 


