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Backworth Park Primary School


School Clubs

After School Clubs are run by staff or through visiting coaches on a Monday evening.  Clubs may be run for certain age-groups, depending on the activity being offered. Numbers are limited for health and safety reasons and are offered on a 'first come, first served' basis.  

Parents are informed of these opportunities by letter. Details will also be posted on this website page.

Children are expected to attend all sessions of clubs that they have signed up for (unless they are ill or there is an extenuating circumstance) for the entirety of the half term. Parents must inform school if there is any other reason for their child not attending.

Clubs will run on a half termly basis and will change each half term. Please note that clubs will not run through Autumn 2 and Spring 1 due to the dark nights. Some of our older children walk home and we want to ensure their safety during the winter months.

We arrange for Sport Coaches to deliver sessions during lunch time periods. All year groups engage to ensure that 100% of our children experience wider opportunities and participate in our school offer. 


After School Clubs for Academic Year 2024 - 2025



Northern Rugby Club, Muddy Boots Club and Stone Carving Club will incur a cost of £2.50 per session.

Cooking Club is provided by Fun Little Foodies and will incur a cost of £7 per session. 


Access Coaching


We work with Access Coaching to deliver multi-sports activities during lunch time periods. Each class participate during the following half terms on allocated days, as follows:


Autumn 1: 6GB - Wednesday, 6KH - Thursday


Autumn 2: 5KM - Wednesday, 5LC - Thursday 


Spring 1: 4ED - Wednesday, 4AC - Thursday 


Spring 2: 3SK - Wednesday, 3SF - Thursday 


Summer 1: 2VW - Wednesday, 2AR - Thursday 


Summer 2: 1DB - Wednesday, 1EDa - Thursday 

Andrew Cartwright Football Club

We host the Andrew Cartwright Football Club at school on Tuesday evenings from 3:15 - 4:30 for Years 5 and 6. Please follow the link below to book sessions and find out more information:

