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School Logo

Backworth Park Primary School


Our School Day

Order of Day


Children spend 32.5 hours per week in school. 


  • Breakfast Club daily from 8.00am
  • Nursery Morning Session: 8.30-11.30am                                                                                                           30 hour provision children have lunch 11.30-12.00 then a session from 12.00- 3.00pm
  • Main School Classes:  8.45am – 3.15pm
  • Morning Break: EYFS 10-10:15am/ KS1 10:30-10:45am/ KS2 -10:15 -10:30am
  • Lunch Break: KS1 & KS2: 12.00pm - 1.00pm/ EYFS 11:45 - 12:45
  • Afternoon Break: EYFS & KS1 only: 2:00pm
  • School ends 3.15pm
  • Club night is a Monday night


Highlighted sections show the compulsory times that school is open.


Please Note: Children should not arrive on school premises before 8am unless they are attending Breakfast Club.


Nursery, Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 must be accompanied to and collected from school by a known adult. Year 4, 5 and 6 children may walk, cycle or scoot to school when parents feel they are safe enough to do so.  However, annual permission must be completed and returned to school confirming these arrangements.

Where necessary, changes to all collection arrangements must be communicated in advance to the school office. If you are unable to collect your child, you must notify us and provide a safe password if the person collecting is not known to us. For safeguarding reasons, we will always take extra precautions where arrangements have been made for adults not known to us to collect or drop off.
