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Backworth Park Primary School



We have a range of awards to celebrate the children's achievements and successes. These include both academic and personal development awards, which we link to our vision and British Values. The children are awarded their badges and rewards through MarvellousMe, which communicates the achievements of the children to their parents and carers. MarvellousMe records the number of badges and achievements that each child receives, which can be used to collect and reward half termly.

Every Friday, we have an 'Excellence Assembly'. Children share and recall their badges, rewards and achievements through the week so that they can take ownership for their successes.  This is a prestigious event, which the children look forward to. The awards are very motivational and it creates a real sense of pride in our school community.

Each half term, receive rewards in the following ways:

1. Each class awards a Bronze, Silver and Gold certification to the top three point scorers.

2. The class with the most points, is rewarded with 'Crown Time'.

3. The winning house holds the prestigious, and much coveted, House Trophy for the forthcoming half term, as well as enjoying a lovely Hot Chocolate with Ms ElSaghier and Miss Welsh. 
