Safeguarding and Attendance
Designated Safeguarding Leads
Safeguarding: (Please see Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy)
Safeguarding is of the highest priority at Backworth Park Primary School and will be the over-riding factor in any decision making. Ms ElSaghier, Deputy Headteacher, is the Designated Safeguarding Lead and Miss Welsh, Headteacher, Mr Hughes, Assistant Headteacher and Mrs Huscroft, Pastoral Officer are Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads. Ms ElSaghier is also the Designated Lead for Looked After Children.
All staff are stringently recruited with regard to safeguarding children. The school complies fully with all safer recruitment issues and checks and we will ensure that we gather references prior to appointing any member of staff. They also have annual and on-going training and receive weekly safeguarding briefings. As a staff, we meet once a week for a short meeting where safeguarding is an agenda item. Any concerns regarding safeguarding are immediately referred to Ms ElSaghier or the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads, who take appropriate action in the best interests of children. Our Designated Safeguarding Leads are highly experienced.
We use a colour coded warning system for parents along with a reward system to encourage children to aim for Bronze, Silver and Gold attendance awards. School monitors attendance daily and, if a child is absent and school have not been notified, we will make a first day response phone call and/ or email. Where necessary, school will involve other agencies if we are unable to resolve attendance issues. Children can suffer huge detriment if they miss school and we take our role in this very seriously, issuing fines where necessary to ensure children receive their entitlement.
Notifying school of absences:
If a child is going to be absent, parents are expected to inform school by no later than 8.45a.m. There is an answer service to leave messages; parents are expected to give the reason for the child's absence and when they expect the child to return. Absences will only be authorised where there is a legitimate reason to be absent. School will decide if the reason for absence is legitimate.
If you are unsure about whether your child is too ill for school, there is a useful link to the NHS website below.
Non-urgent medical and dental appointments should be arranged for after school or during school holidays. Non-urgent appointments will not be authorised in school time. If it is essential to attend an appointment for an urgent medical or dental reason during school hours, it is expected that children will attend school before or after this. Parents must request a pass-out from the Office Manager.
Leave of Absence requests:
Only Headteachers have the right to grant Leave of Absence, and this is reserved for exceptional circumstances. A Request Form must be completed in advance for all Leave of Absence, including holidays; this must give specific details of why the requested absence is essential. A child's current and previous attendance is always taken into account when considering all requests. Parents receive a written response as to whether the request for absence has been granted and authorised by the Headteacher. Where a child's attendance is already of concern, requests for further absence will not be authorised. Additionally, no requests for absence will be authorised during statutory assessment periods. Where holiday is taken during term time and surpasses 5 school days, school will refer to the Local Authority, who may choose to fine.
Term dates:
Term dates for the year can be found on the 'Term Dates' section on our website. Please see link below.
Term Dates - Backworth Park Primary School