Our School Nurse

Backworth Park Primary pay for a service, which gives us the benefit of a School Nurse who offers group and one to one interventions with anxious children, angry children, poor sleepers, poor and challenging behaviour, poor or picky eaters, low mood, school anxiety, social anxiety, continence through the day and at night, establishing routines and boundaries at home, bereavement and loss. The school nurse also works around self esteem and self harm, providing lessons around mental and physical health. They talk about self esteem, risk taking, friendships, healthy choices, relationships and feelings.
In addition, they also carry out Mental Health assessments and early interventions. Intervention, evidence building and referral to CAMHS can be carried out if needed. They can work to support parents and carers with their own needs. They hold parent classes for groups in all aspects of behaviour and positive parenting. They can carry out referral and post diagnosis support for pupils with Autism, ADHD, sensory issues and medical issues. They work between school and health to ensure access to GP services, hearing tests, vision tests, help accessing immunisations etc. They can support with evidence building for EHCP applications to support with provision in school. They will follow up after pupil absences to see if any support is required and ensure risk is assessed. They provide medicine management support, epipen training, epilepsy and asthma training for staff. They provide staff training around health, therapeutic intervention and what to look out for. They can provide health opinions for Early Help Assessments and attendance at multiagency meetings within allocated hours. They can also offer ‘Supernanny’ clinics and home visits.