Welcome to Backworth Park Primary School!
Welcome to Backworth Park Primary School!
We are housed in a modern, beautiful building, opened on 10th October 2018 by the Rt. Hon Alan Campbell, MP, and the Duke of Northumberland along with other ambassadors for our school.
Along with our beautiful and modern building, we have a happy and strong staff team, many new resources and wonderful planned opportunities. We were inspected by OFSTED in October 2021, who judged our school as being 'Good' in all areas. Within the OFSTED inspection, parents views were gathered. One parent is quoted in our report as saying:
'The school have created a wonderful, welcoming environment where children can learn and develop'.
Our Governors and staff team are working tirelessly to ensure that all children receive strong teaching and learning opportunities through a broad and balanced curriculum. Our modern building supports us in doing this by providing plenty of space for education both indoors and outdoors. We are the only primary school locally with a dance studio.
High standards of behaviour are extremely important to us and we all learn our school rules and achieve and attain badges and house points on MarvellousMe for going above and beyond our school rules. We feel very proud of our calm learning environment and we recognise the part we all have to play in this. In addition, children learn to consistently uphold our personal development values of 'Respect, Resilience and Responsibility'.
Children are very clear about the fact that we attend school to prepare us for our futures in the world of work and they like to attend school daily so that they do not miss out on any learning time. They can collect Bronze, Silver and Gold awards for attendance over the year. Children take great pride in any opportunities they have to be the very best they can be and to support school in roles of responsibility, for which we have many. These include Board of Backworth Representatives, Kindness Ambassadors, Eco Committee Representatives and many more.
We always value the views of parents about how our school community works and encourage parents to respond to any surveys that we send out and to attend all of the events we offer. Parents are asked their opinions on a number of themes, such as the quality of teaching and learning, pupil behaviour and well-being, the information they receive from school and how the school is led and managed. We formed a working party to consider our RSE curriculum and approve policies associated with it.
The views of our pupils regarding their school experiences are also taken into account, both informally and formally through Class School Council Representatives, surveys and Learning Walks. Our School Council, 'The Board of Backworth', are an active committee, who are driving forward various agendas around community, environment and care for others.
If parents or members of the public have any general questions regarding our school, they are very welcome to contact us and speak a member of staff in the office, Miss Welsh, The Headteacher or Ms ElSaghier, Deputy Headteacher. Should you have any queries regarding Special Educational Needs, please speak to Miss Wood, our school SENCO. We would also be happy to arrange a visit to the school so that we can show you our school in action and answer any further questions about our work. If you require any of the information found on our website, paper copies are available free of charge by request at the office. Please do get in touch!
We look forward to hearing from you.
Miss L Welsh
Ms L ElSaghier
Deputy Headteacher